Meet the students

Meet the Students!

At it's heart, Heaton Fold is a facility that offers Adults with Disabilities work experience, which helps with their social skills and physical abilities, as well as putting them to work - which they love! Students undertake a range of tasks around the garden centre... such as keeping plants watered, planting up seasonal stock for future sale and helping keep our garden centre beautiful and tidy! 

Any purchase you make, whether that be a coffee or a plant, goes into the pot to improve the experience of our students, like buying new tools and equipment for them, as well as enhancing facilities that they use.

All new referrals must be asessed and referred to us by BMBC Adults Services; Heaton Fold cannot authorise any referrals via email. We recommend that any potential referees have a conversation and explore the options with their allocated social worker for more information.


Contact us

Heaton Fold Garden Centre
Overdale Drive
Tel: 01204 336848

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